Komparasi Kepemimpinan Islam Rasulullah Shalallahu’alaihi Wa Sallam dan Kepemimpinan Transformatif

Aulia Sindy Perwirasari


Leadership is one of the most important things in Islam. This can be seen from the many arguments that show the importance of the existence of a leader in a community or grup, including the importance of members of the community or group obeying their leader. The aim of this research is to describe the comparison of the Islamic Leadership of the Muhammad Shallahu‘Alaihi Wa Sallam and transformative leadership. The method used is literature study. The result is that transformational leadership in its dimensions was previously realized in Islamic Leadership, where Muhammad Shallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam became the of the muslim community at that time, both in the context of congregation leader, preacher, head of household, and even state leader. As a muslim, he is obliged to bind himself to the rules that arise from his aqidah as a consequence of his belief in Islamic creeds, especially in matters of leadership.

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